Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving day blog

Well, here I sit in my office on Thanksgiving morning. It's so QUIET here! I was by my dungeon space earlier, and after giving a Thanksgiving Day cheesecake to the landlord, I was upstairs practicing my single tail technique against a punching bag while munching on a danish and sipping some very hot coffee. All the other places around were closed and traffic outside was very light so it was peaceful and contemplative.

After the coffee and danish were gone, and my arm was sore, I decided to trek over to my vanilla (looking) office space and blog about some very important things to me. I'm glad you're taking the time to share with me.

In my house, Thanksgiving is the more important holiday than Christmas. Reason? While Christmas is nice for celebrations, and for gift giving, and for religious reasons, I've always felt that it's more important to be thankful for all the wonderful blessings that we have, and frequently overlook.

I'm going to give you a few of mine. Not for braggadocious reasons but to hopefully inspire you to think of things along these lines today. And hopefully, think of them beyond merely today as well.

Firstly, I'm thankful for living in the BEST Country in the world, bar none. I take extreme offense to those who knock America. I defy them to find a better place to live. Sure, we're not perfect, we've got our hiccups and problems, but we're the best thing going right now, and unlike some, I've ALWAYS been proud to be an American. We are, as a Country, a work in progress, but that's no bad thing, look how far we've come in so little time.

I'm thankful for my family. Yeah, some of them are real JERKS and I can't stand them. A few I won't even give the time of day to. But for the rest, I love them and couldn't see life without them.

I'm thankful for the life I live. Those of you who know me, know I get to live a life most men would absolutely give ANYTHING to have, yet few ever see it. I'm truly blessed. I've been in the fetish world for some time, and I love it. I couldn't see going without it.

I'm thankful for the gorgeous dungeon space I have. It's clean, quiet, discrete, safe, warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and convenient. I couldn't ask for better.

I'm thankful that I'm able to make it in a business that generally is not favorable to men. It was hard work and I had to crunch a lot of effort to get it to this point. There were times when I felt like hanging it up and remain a lifestyle, but I knew it could work and it did.

Now, here's the part that's so very important. This is the "Crown Jewel" of this blog and if you have read nothing else, read this:

I'm most thankful for my wonderful, wonderful friends. Without them, I never would have made it this far in life. I literally have the all time BEST friends, I don't think anyone could have an argument with me here. They are the BEST of the BEST.

Lady Elizabeth has always been by my side. Through thick and thin, profit and loss, she's been there, she's seen me at my best and worst, great times and horrible tragedies, and her love never wavers.

Mistress Clarissa, my savagely gorgeous business partner and best friend. Throughout all the troubles and stresses, she's been there. Patient, enduring and supportive. Thanks, Clarissa, I love you (literally) like a sister. Honorable mentions go to Master Stark, a PRINCE of a guy if there ever was one.

Scarlet Apron, my breathtakingly beautiful sub. I never had one this GOOD. She truly strives to be the best, and she succeeds. Exquisitely beautiful, refined, classic, a true sub at heart and with brains to match. As a dominant, I am blessed.

Her Highness and Royalty, The Baroness. Gracious, and so very elegant. She has welcomed me to her parties and into her home. I am so flattered and honored.

The NYC fetish tribe. Powder, Mike B., Kelley Dane, Eddo, and the rest. They have made me feel at home and have welcomed me to their parties. They truly are blessings to the NYC fetish scene, and the adult scene in general. Thanks guys.

Romello and Lady Valfreya. Such wonderful people. They are a joy and pleasure to be with.

There are so many others, and I'm running out of time. Please forgive me if I've neglected to post you in this blog, I didn't mean to offend or disrespect anyone but I've got a dinner to prepare. I will return, with more, I PROMISE.

Have a happy and wondrous Thanksgiving.

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