Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My outcall session

This past Saturday, December the 6th, I went on a "fetish road trip" that was so successful, I just had to share it you. This one was too good to let fade to memory.

Some background first. I've been involved in fetish professionally for far longer than I care to admit. About 15 years with a few years off in the middle for private reasons. I love my work, and I get to lead a life that most other men would do ANYTHING to have. I am truly blessed. I work in NYC, but I occasionally travel. This is one of the many trips I have taken. They are profitable and a great deal of fun. I have traveled to Boston, L.A., Dallas, Miami, and Chicago. This particular trip was to Conneticut.

Ok, the couple saw my profile on Fetlife (are you there btw?) then bounced to MySpace (I'm there too), ricocheted to my website, then emailed me directly. Whew!

We set the appointment up. They paid my travel costs (four hours round trip - driving at $50 per), treated me to a lovely dinner ($100 for my time there too of course) plus the three hour session.

They had a GORGEOUS house and a well equipped play room. Actually, well equipped is an understatement, I think some SM video houses and pro dungeons don't have the equipment that these people had. They even had a real rack and a iron maiden, that had pins instead of spikes, very painful if you moved - you had to stay stone still! And a dentists chair with restraints and belts!

He wasn't too bad for his age. She was SMOKIN' HOT. 45, two kids and a bikini bod that would stop traffic. Easily could've done MILF porn if she wanted to. He was seriously into cuckolding and pain, but interestingly she was not really a scene player, just going through it for him. She got a mild thrill, but other than that not much.

This was his Christmas present, btw!

After stripping him down in front of me (while I chuckled at him) she hooked him to an X cross and give him a set of welts that was impressive! The cock/ball sack with the pins in it looked pretty nasty too. She'd give it a gentle squeeze or tap and the response was amazing. She would saunter by, swinging her hips, laughing sardonically and flick her whip or cane at the black leather pouches on his balls and rod. He'd let out a yell that could peel the wallpaper.

He went through a variety of nasty procedures during the evening, with plastic bags, clamps, slapping, and including an electric catheterization after undergoing "treatment" with sounds! Not bad for someone who admitted to me that she found all this "silly" at times!

The coup' de grace was this and this was all my idea, I had this all rehearsed with her before I came up - she had him all strapped down in the chair, and gagged him with a huge, nasty pump gag. She then had the electric catheter, cock ring, and nipple clamps all wired to two erostek boxes, synched together and triggered with a microphone. She then clamped a leather blindfold on. Here it comes - !!

She removed her panties and threw them on top of his face so he could smell them and knew they were really hers. She then had me remove my leathers and threw them over his legs, and threw what he "though" were my undies (in reality another paid she had bought that day) over him as well (mine were still on).

She then proceeded to tell him that I was going to fuck her silly, get this - no condoms! So we groaned, moaned, whispered, giggled and made like we were really having at it. Every so often she'd let a loud moan or yell out or laugh and that would trigger the eros teks! In reality, we were biting our lips to keep from laughing out loud and spoiling the ruse. She eventually let out a loud "orgasm" moan while I simultaneously did the same! The erosteks fired off, he was thrashing, and fired off himself!

He still thinks that we really "did it". And she's not going to tell him otherwise until next year! HA!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Repo! The Genetic Opera! Worth it to see it!

Well, here we are on a Monday morning, after a highly successful Thanksgiving weekend. Despite the usual T-day affairs and the crush of a long holiday weekend, I decided to spoil myself and go out to see a movie that had been recommended highly to me. So, on a blustery, chilled, Saturday night, I trekked my way to the Village East Cinema on 2nd Ave in NYC to see "REPO - The Genetic Opera."

Quite frankly, I wasn't sure what to expect. I'm not much of a Sci-Fi guy, and musicals rarely do it for me either. But I figured that I'd give it a shot, and perhaps, come away with a find. Did I ever!

Set in the future, with a costume gallery, scenery, and props to make anyone in the fetish world happy, REPO comes on strong and keeps the throttle open the whole time. I was absolutely AMAZED at how well it flowed and unlike so many, there never seemed to be a "stall point" where you begin to look at your watch.

The basic premise of this film is that there is a pandemic of organ failures amongst the population. A large biomedical corporation, GENECO sets up a system where one can purchase the organs needed for survival, harvested from the dead, for a price. Payments are made like a car loan or mortgage. Fall behind, and the organ (or organs) are repossed for sale to another, hence the name, "REPO". Because of the extent of surgeries carried out, abuse of prescription pain killers is also at pandemic levels, and a "street drug" version called Zydrate is extracted from the bodies of the dead. The epidemic of Zydrate abuse is so bad that grave robbers are executed on site at cemetaries. Essentially, society edges brutally close to the apocolyptic breakdown of "the end of the age."

The musical scores and singing/acting performances are nothing short of truly amazing and I really have to say I'm a convert with this film. I really was not expecting anything near the stellar output I saw. Quite frankly, I was expecting a film with Paris Hilton to be about as stimulating as a mud fence. I was very much surprised! She gave a much better performace than I would have imagined, and came away owning the part of the corporate kingpin's daughter - Amber Sweet. The two bickering brothers, Luigi, and Pavi, played respectively by Bill Mosely, and Nivek Ogre bring a unique "familial" side to the Largo family. And the name "Largo" itself, conjours up images of the old, eye patch wearing villain, Emilio Largo from Ian Fleming's "Thunderball". Paul Sorvino does an excellent job of portraying the coporate patriarch, so good, in fact, that cheers were heard, when his character finally "coughs up" near the end of the film.

Alexa Vega (spy kids) delivers such a fantastic performance, I had to wonder where she's been hiding all that talent! I was very much impressed with the intensity that Anthony Stewart Head (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) gave, he projected a vast amount of on screen horsepower. Sarah Brightman's (Phantom of the Opera) command of the character "Blind Mag" was at the top of her game, and she really pulled no punches with it - I knew she could sing, but I didn't know she could belt it out like that and act with such a dramatic flair. Terrance Zdunich was the one that really caught me, he was giving out bolts of energy like a Van De Graaf generator on steroids. Not only is he a talented composer and writer, but has pipes to match! Zdunich seemed to really RELISH the role, and projected such ease, that I wondered at one point if he really DID hang around cemetaries.

The whole film has a BDSM fetish vein running through it, what with all that leather, latex, restraints, and such. The settings, in a neo-noire world project an urban "filth" that for some reason, doesn't sully the characters. I also noticed a surprising number of antique furnishings for something that is supposed to take place 75 years from now, but then again, that's what added to the surrealistic, "fetish" look to the picture.

The characters all have an amazing amount of energy, and seem to "ping pong" off of one another at precise intervals and even manage to get things like facial expressions timed correctly.

The film is directed by Darren Lynn Bouseman of "Saw" fame. I must commend Mr. Bouseman as I was expecting "more of the same" and instead got something totally different and exhilirating. Bouseman has done a masterful job of bringing this thing to life, and breathing inspiration into its lungs. His touch is both forceful and artistic. A project like this needs a certain amunt of muscle to pull it off, yet one can't be overbearing. Bouseman has that kind of magic in his fingertips. The comic book style interludes help explain much of the complex interaction of the characters without going into boring explanations, or getting too campy. A very good touch that helps the storyline flow and manages to keep attention riveted where it needs to be.

The blood, guts, and gore are present, for sure. They have to be in a film as this. Yet they are not there simply for the reason of being there...they are there to build foundation and lend a certain theatrical credibility to the plotline. A doting dad one minute, sadistic physician the next..The bar coding on the repo'd organs was an excellent touch, especially for someone like me who dwells on minutiae. The weapory is an interesting mix of 21st century exotica, and current armory which makes it more palatable.

REPO - The Genetic Opera, is one of those films that comes along every so often that has you thinking about it LONG after you've left the theatre. It's so good, in fact, that I'm contemplating seeing it again. Bravo!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving day blog

Well, here I sit in my office on Thanksgiving morning. It's so QUIET here! I was by my dungeon space earlier, and after giving a Thanksgiving Day cheesecake to the landlord, I was upstairs practicing my single tail technique against a punching bag while munching on a danish and sipping some very hot coffee. All the other places around were closed and traffic outside was very light so it was peaceful and contemplative.

After the coffee and danish were gone, and my arm was sore, I decided to trek over to my vanilla (looking) office space and blog about some very important things to me. I'm glad you're taking the time to share with me.

In my house, Thanksgiving is the more important holiday than Christmas. Reason? While Christmas is nice for celebrations, and for gift giving, and for religious reasons, I've always felt that it's more important to be thankful for all the wonderful blessings that we have, and frequently overlook.

I'm going to give you a few of mine. Not for braggadocious reasons but to hopefully inspire you to think of things along these lines today. And hopefully, think of them beyond merely today as well.

Firstly, I'm thankful for living in the BEST Country in the world, bar none. I take extreme offense to those who knock America. I defy them to find a better place to live. Sure, we're not perfect, we've got our hiccups and problems, but we're the best thing going right now, and unlike some, I've ALWAYS been proud to be an American. We are, as a Country, a work in progress, but that's no bad thing, look how far we've come in so little time.

I'm thankful for my family. Yeah, some of them are real JERKS and I can't stand them. A few I won't even give the time of day to. But for the rest, I love them and couldn't see life without them.

I'm thankful for the life I live. Those of you who know me, know I get to live a life most men would absolutely give ANYTHING to have, yet few ever see it. I'm truly blessed. I've been in the fetish world for some time, and I love it. I couldn't see going without it.

I'm thankful for the gorgeous dungeon space I have. It's clean, quiet, discrete, safe, warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and convenient. I couldn't ask for better.

I'm thankful that I'm able to make it in a business that generally is not favorable to men. It was hard work and I had to crunch a lot of effort to get it to this point. There were times when I felt like hanging it up and remain a lifestyle, but I knew it could work and it did.

Now, here's the part that's so very important. This is the "Crown Jewel" of this blog and if you have read nothing else, read this:

I'm most thankful for my wonderful, wonderful friends. Without them, I never would have made it this far in life. I literally have the all time BEST friends, I don't think anyone could have an argument with me here. They are the BEST of the BEST.

Lady Elizabeth has always been by my side. Through thick and thin, profit and loss, she's been there, she's seen me at my best and worst, great times and horrible tragedies, and her love never wavers.

Mistress Clarissa, my savagely gorgeous business partner and best friend. Throughout all the troubles and stresses, she's been there. Patient, enduring and supportive. Thanks, Clarissa, I love you (literally) like a sister. Honorable mentions go to Master Stark, a PRINCE of a guy if there ever was one.

Scarlet Apron, my breathtakingly beautiful sub. I never had one this GOOD. She truly strives to be the best, and she succeeds. Exquisitely beautiful, refined, classic, a true sub at heart and with brains to match. As a dominant, I am blessed.

Her Highness and Royalty, The Baroness. Gracious, and so very elegant. She has welcomed me to her parties and into her home. I am so flattered and honored.

The NYC fetish tribe. Powder, Mike B., Kelley Dane, Eddo, and the rest. They have made me feel at home and have welcomed me to their parties. They truly are blessings to the NYC fetish scene, and the adult scene in general. Thanks guys.

Romello and Lady Valfreya. Such wonderful people. They are a joy and pleasure to be with.

There are so many others, and I'm running out of time. Please forgive me if I've neglected to post you in this blog, I didn't mean to offend or disrespect anyone but I've got a dinner to prepare. I will return, with more, I PROMISE.

Have a happy and wondrous Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My second media interview

Slap Happy
Dear Miss Adventure, My boyfriend really wants me to slap him during sex. He says he can take it, but I’m concerned I’m going to miss and break his nose or worse. Do you have any practical tips on how to hit someone across the face in a safe way? - Slap Happy in Salem

Dear SHS,
The only thing Miss Adventure is good at hitting is the Whack-A-Mole game at the carnival, so we consulted our friend and prominent pro dom in the NYC area, Master Virage, for his expert technique in the fi ne art of slapping. He tells us, “There are a few things to keep in mind when factoring in a stinging face slap. Men must be particularly aware of the size/strength ratio. A swipe that may sting on a male, may cause severe physical damage to a petite female, even from an average sized guy. Therefore, when “winding up,” you may want to position your other hand on the side opposite the slap, so as to cushion and arrest head movement preventing possible neck/nerve damage. When a female is slapping a male, additional care must be taken regarding rings or other jewelry, which could cause a nasty facial wound and possible eye damage if the blows were misplaced. Either don’t wear jewelry or make sure that it’s not in the area of impact. I saw a punctured cheek one time from a ring a female domme was wearing because she was unaware that the stone portion had rotated inwardly during the course of the scene. Both sexes should avoid slapping near the eyes, temples and ears, as SEVERE and DANGEROUS physical damage could result.” That’ll put some sugar in your smacks!

P.S. If you have a question for Miss Adventure, please email erosphere@phx.com with the subject line "Dear Miss Adventure"
Published Nov 10 2008, 05:40 PM by AdultWebMaster
Filed under: Miss Adventure, slap happy